There are some simple things to help keep your home safe while on vacation or at work. One of the down sides to summer is that all the children are out of school and many do not have much to do. Summer time is when we see an increase in burglaries, especially of homes. These burglaries will take place during the day, when people are at work. The easiest and one of the most effective ways to keep your home safe is with the use of outlet timers. These timers plug into the wall and then you can plug in a light or other item into the timer. At the set time(s) that light or other item will turn on, then off at another set time. A great item to use these timers with is the TV. However, make sure you set the TV up so that you do not need to have the WII on, the stereo on, the DVD player, etc. Take the cable and plug it directly to the TV so that when it comes on, there is sound and picture. Have the TV come on in the am and again in the afternoon so it appears that someone is home during the day. Have another TV set to come on at night (vacationers).
Until next week, Be Safe and Be A.W.A.R.E. tm